Thentica is an emerging information technology company that works with businesses
in the provision of the following solutions and services;
- Project Management Solutions and Services
A very experienced project management team that has vast experience in Information
Technology projects will certainly provide visible return on investment to those
special and other ordinary projects in your organisation with quality outcomes on
time and on budget. The Methodology used will depend on customer choice. We cater
for all small to large scale projects. We also offer Project Office management solutions
to ensure consistency and the delivery of quality projects.
- Business, Process and Testing Solutions and Services
All your Business Requirements specifications, analysis and process re-engineering
activities to suite your needs. We offer comprehensive testing solutions to ensure
independent quality assurance throughout your software development phases.
- Network and Cabling Solutions and Services
The management, monitoring and support of your LAN. Includes new network installations
and deployment.
- Server and Desktop Management Solutions and Services
OS, Infrastructure and Software upgrades and mass deployment. Microsoft products,
including Windows/XP & Exchange deployment and support. Linux and HP Server deployment
and support Server and Data storage management on SAN, EVA, EMC, IBM, Dell, HP,
HP blade/non-stop etc Asset and SLA management. Printer Solutions.
- Systems Management and Support Solutions
OS, Capacity and Database management - UNIX, AIX environments Applications management
i.e. Oracle, SQL etc Solution Architecture design and Strategy checks Vendor and
Package selection.
- Applications Development
- IT Security Management Solutions
IT security policy formulation, implementation and management.
- Related Human Capital Acquisitions and Management
To ensure talented human capital is available at all times. Customers may request
resources on a permanent or contractual basis for partial or total outsourcing of
their IT activities.